If you want to learn more about how to build a shed door, we recommend you to pay attention to the instructions described in the article. Work with attention and invest in high quality materials, before starting the construction of the shed door. It is essential to use the piece of siding that has been cut out in the previous steps, as to keep the expenditures under control and to get a professional result.
Don’t forget to take a look over the rest of the woodworking project, in order to learn more about how to build the base, the shed and the roof of the construction. Invest in the best materials you can afford, in order to get the job done in a professional manner. Align the components at both ends before securing them into place with finishing nails, as to get a symmetrical appearance.
Part 1: Small shed plans
Part 2: How to install shed siding
Part 3: Small shed roof plans
Part 4: Shed door plans
How to build a shed door

Building a small shed
- 12 – 2 pieces of 1×4 lumber – 37”, 2 pieces – 87 1/2″, 1 piece of 5/8″ siding – 30″x87 1/2″ DOOR
- 12 – 2 pieces of 1×4 lumber – 23”, 2 pieces – 87 1/2″, 2 pieces – 41″ TRIMS
- Hammer, Tape measure, Carpentry square
- Miter saw, Drill machinery, Screwdriver, Sander, Router
- Safety Gloves, Safety Glasses, Respiratory Mask
- One day
Building a shed door

Attaching the door jambs
The first step of the woodworking project is to attach the 1×4 trims around the door opening. Align the components at both ends and secure them into place with finishing nails and waterproof glue. Make sure the corners are right-angled before inserting the finishing nails into place.

Fitting the door stop
If you want to get the job done in a professional manner, we recommend you to fit a 1×1 door stop to the top of the door opening. Secure the piece of wood into place by using finishing nails. Align the door stop at both ends before inserting the 2 1/2″ galvanized screws.

Building a shed door
Building a shed door is a straight-forward process, as you just need to use the piece of siding that has been cut out and 1×4 trims. Attach the trims to the siding with finishing nails and waterproof glue. Make sure you take accurate measurements and lock the components together tightly.

Attaching the trims
Use the instructions shown in the diagram to get a professional result. Don’t leave gaps between the trims, in order to build a door with a nice appearance.

Fitting the door inside the opening
Fit the door inside the opening and lock it to the jambs with several metal hinges. Don’t forget to install a door latch, in order to lock the door into place in a professional manner.

How to build a shed door
Last but not least, you should take care of the finishing touches. Therefore, we recommend you to check if the components are locked into place properly and structure is rigid enough. Make sure there are no protruding screws or sharp edges.
PRO TIP: Fill the holes with a good wood filler and smooth the surface with medium-grit sandpaper. Apply several coats of paint or stain over the components, in order to protect them from decay. Check out the rest of the project to learn more about building garden projects.
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